In-person Meeting & Lead Gen Update


Thanks for checking in. Below you’ll find a rundown on my week. I’m looking for off-market mismanaged, digital businesses with tons of room for a hungry, new owner.

There are more of them out there than you might think!

Today’s update:

•Big milestone — in-person meeting scheduled

•Update on lead gen

•Going to Mainstreet?

Scheduled: my first meeting

Big news! The ecom store I’ve talked about three times (that sells to government agencies) wants to meet in person. So, I have a face-to-face meeting scheduled with the husband and wife owners at their warehou— um, garage.

The meeting is scheduled for November 13th… so, I’ll be sure to write an update on my thoughts after.

My meeting calculus

The drive to meet this owner is 7 hours (no good direct flights). It may or may not yield a great acquisition opportunity. I don’t think I need to meet face-to-face with every potential acquisition, but this one seems important.

I have a lot to learn right now, and there’s no better way to learn than by jumping in.

So, I’m going for it.

A 14 hour round-trip commitment is worth it. I will learn a lot, and I’ll forge a relationship.

Maybe I’ll even identify a homerun business to buy…

A little more intel from a helpful source

I was introduced to this ecom owner by the gentleman who owns the platform his website is hosted on (I talked about him a couple months ago — screenshot of that below)

He lives in the same region as the ecom owner, so I called him letting him know I’ll be around. I’ll try to meet with him, too, if I can.

The website guy gave me some great intel. He told me more about the owners motivation to sell (they’re ~70 years old, getting tired) and confirmed the business is off-market. He said:

They mentioned to me they were starting to wonder about retirement, and we had just spoken a couple of days before, so I thought I’d give them your name.  

The potential for a referral network within the Boomer business space is huge, I think.

Lead gen update

I set a goal for my VA team to hit 4,500 leads by November 11.

Screenshot from my workspace I share with two VAs

Quick update on how that’s going from Bryan, one of the contractors on research.

We have 4,102 leads

We’re tracking to hit our goal by next week — two weeks ahead of time.

To be clear: not all 4,500 are dynamite leads. But there are hundreds of high-quality opportunities (plenty for me) on that list.

I’m really impressed with my VA team — we’ve significantly improved the search process since they started a couple months ago. It’s really efficient now.

Now, I just have to sort our way through the rubble to find some gems.

Going to Mainstreet


I bought my ticket for the Mainstreet Summit conference in Columbia, MO.

I can’t wait. Call me overly optimistic, but I think it has the potential to change my life — so many people in attendance I’m excited to meet and hear from.

Anyone going to be there? Shoot me a note if so — I’d love to meet in person.

I’ll essentially go from this conference to my meeting with the ecom owner (above), so it should be an exciting few days.

Thanks for reading this week.
